Toupee Density | 100%, 110%, 120% |
Toupee Color | 20R#, 22R#, 30R#, 60R#, 613#, 18#, 1820#, 2020#, 4R#, 6R#, 17#, 565#, 580#, 610#, 620#, 640#, 720#, 740#, 1720#, 1740#, 1750#, 1765#, 365#, 380#, 410#, 420#, 440#, 4ash#, 510#, 520#, 540#, 550#, 1#, 1C#, 1B10#, 1B20#, 1B40#, 1B50#, 1B65#, 1B80#, 2#, 210#, 310#, 340#, 350#, 220#, 240#, 320#, 4#, Color 1B, 3#, 5#, 6#, 7#, 20# |
Life Span | 3 Months |
Longest Hair Proportion | >=60% |
Toupee Base | Lace |
Size | 8×10 |
Knot | Single Knot |
Toupee Texture | 32mm |
Hair Material | European Hair |
Model Number | Mirage001 |
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Hair system | hair system |
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SKU: 4000318601731
Categories: Full Lace hair system, Hairsystem for man
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