Male pattern baldness is not a strange story for many people. According to scientific research, it is normal if human shed about 50-100 strands daily. You can find your hair on the floor, carpet or anywhere in your room.
However, it is a problem if your hair loses too much, more than the average number. Your hair is thinner and thinner, and your baldness is visible.
So, what causes male pattern baldness? Find out some possible triggers that cause this phenomenon and how to deal with it!
What Is Male Pattern Baldness?
Androgenetic alopecia is the scientific name of male pattern baldness. It appears when the hair falls out too much and disproportionate, creating many hairless areas in the scalp. The hair problem happens more in men. In the past, male pattern baldness was common at the age of 40, but now it comes earlier. You can see many people at the age of 30, even 20 have experienced baldness.

When does male pattern baldness start? You can identify the baldness through the following signs:
– The hair loses too much for a long time and continuously.
– No hair regrowth or very little regrowth.
– The scalp is exposed.
Male pattern baldness is usually concentrated on the top of the head or on the temples. Hence, it is easy to be detected.
How to know if you have male pattern baldness? If your hair loses more than usual or there is more hair on your brush, it maybe cuz of hair loss. Learn some risk factors below.
Causes of Male Pattern Baldness
Men suffer from baldness more than what we think. Statistics reveal that 30-50% of men over the age of 50 are victims of male pattern baldness. Where does male pattern baldness come from?
Genetic factor
Is baldness inherited? The answer is yes. If someone in the family is bald, the offspring – mainly in men – are at a higher risk of baldness. Many studies reveal that genetic is linked to the male sex hormone called “Androgen”. The hormone has many functions, including stimulating hair growth.
Male pattern baldness affects 50% white men at the age of 50 and up to 80% at the age of 70. While other groups, such as China and Japan, are less affected.
Hormonal imbalance
Human hormones play an important role in managing the cycle of hair growth. Male hormones, testosterone increases hair growth on the head. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), on the other hand, negatively affects the hair regrowth. It stimulates sebaceous glands overactive, causing weak hair roots and the hair will break off easily. The hormonal imbalance is the main cause of hair loss, leading to male baldness. When you are facing imbalance, your body produces excessive DHT that causes hair to fall.

Stress and illness
Not only in women, but stress is also the key reason that causes pattern baldness in male. If men are constantly stressed, this will inhibit hair growth, causing constant hair loss. Sometimes, severe stress is a cause of hormonal imbalance, which later leads to baldness.
Besides, prolonged stress can also trigger problems with your scalp such as dandruff and fungi. People with anxiety tend to change their habits of eating and living but this is detrimental to hair growth.
Drugs for cancer, lupus, diabetes or thyroid conditions can also cause male pattern baldness. Therefore, you need to consult your doctor immediately after taking the drug and see hair loss occurring. How to stop male pattern baldness? Don’t be afraid because the hair will regrow when you stop treating.
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Men at the middle age experience hair loss more than the young. The older you are, the finer your hair is. And male pattern baldness is just an unavoidable part of the aging process.
Vitamin deficiency
An unhealthy diet is also the cause of hair loss in men. A lack of the B, H, and E vitamin groups affect directly the hair. For instance, vegan, with a diet of only vegetables, are likely to encounter B12 deficiency and it is not good for both your health and hair.

Use stimulants
An unhealthy lifestyle causes male pattern baldness, also. Stimulants in cigarettes, alcohol, and caffeine cause hair problems in men. These stimulants will limit the formation and growth of hair, leading to hair loss more and more.
Male Pattern Baldness Treatments
Have you thought about how to stop male pattern baldness? Some think that they have to live with bald heads whole life. Don’t worry! Let’s see our male pattern baldness cure to save your hair.
Wash the hair
To treat male pattern baldness, you should shampoo your hair properly. In fact, men often wash their hair very quickly. This is not good for your hair, causing more damage. To minimize hair loss, it is best to take the time to gently massage the scalp, don’t excessively scratch. Besides, choosing the right shampoo that suits your natural hair is very important. For healthy hair, you should select and buy a mild, chemical-free, non-irritating shampoo.

Limit stress
The next cure for male pattern baldness, you should spend a lot of time to take part in outdoor activities. Or joining yoga and meditate classes to relax. Avoiding stress is good for blood circulation, stimulating hair growth.
Healthy diet
To reverse male pattern baldness, you have to maintain a sufficient diet. As I said, the lack of nutrients is the cause of hair loss in men. Eat foods that are good for hair such as cereals, eggs, spinach, salmon, chickens and others that contain omega 3 acids, etc.
Wear toupee
To conceal the baldness spots, many people shave their heads, wear toupees or transplant hair. With the hair transplant method, the hair can regrow after a while. But the price is very expensive and the hair is only maintained for a short time.

Toupee hair is an optimal choice in this case. It is the fastest way to hide and fix male pattern baldness. Moreover, the price of a mono or lace toupee is friendly so everyone can own a wig. You should choose a human hair wig as it is safe to use and brings you the most realistic appearance. Wearing a wig, it causes no harm and damages your existing hair. Use the hairpiece also keep your hair and scalp from sunlight and other sources of ultraviolet light. Don’t hesitate any longer, let’s choose a suitable wig for yourself.
Do you know that smoking and baldness in men are associated? Stop smoking and drink water are a good way on how to cure male pattern baldness. And if your hair falls out too much due to inflammation or pathology, you should visit your doctor for advice for timely treatment.
To Sum Up
Hopefully, after this post, you have a deep understanding of what causes male pattern baldness. Or if you have other ways on how to combat male hair loss, leave your comment below to share with Hairsystem.
Besides that, if you need more information about hair care tips, how-to guides or related things, browse our website to get more.
As a leading human hair vendor in Vietnam, we also offer many hair systems from 100% real hair, which is harvested from healthy and strong donors. Visit Hairsystem now to own a perfect hair wig for you.
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