hairsystem are sure that you might hear the term “toupee hair replacement system” somewhere. This small hairpiece is useful and easy to wear. It is usually worn by men to cover the partial baldness or for theatrical purposes.
To keep your toupe hair system natural and long-lasting, wearers need to care it with all your heart. In this blog post, hairsystem would like to share with you the simple yet effective tips to care your hairpiece.
How To Care For A Toupee
Brush your hair system
Just like your bio hair, the toupee hair replacement system needs daily brushing to maintain their looking best. Use a suitable comb and gently brush. Start working at the tip of your human hair toupee to detangle any knots, then go up to the root. Doing like this can protect your hair from tangling problem. You can use your fingers to detangle but don’t pull hard your hair as it can damage the base and cause shedding hair.

Use good hair products
Many wearers choose the shampoo based on its price. However, most of the cheap hair care products in the market are contained with harsh chemicals. If you use it for the long term, it will make your hair dry quickly and brittle.
Not all hair care products are the same, so you should use a good shampoo that is designed for the toupee hair replacement system. A regular shampoo cleans your hairpiece, but it can change the hairpiece color, even shorten its lifespan.
Adding conditioners is very necessary. Use products that have natural components like olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, and so on.
Clean the hair toupee
Cleaning your hair replacement toupee is an essential part of hair maintenance. It must be done in the right way to ensure that you can use it many times. Remember to brush your hair on the outside before washing. Make sure that there are no loose hairs inside the base of the hairpiece.

Steps on washing toupee hair replacement:
– Fill your tub with cold or lukewarm water, and wet the hair. You can soak it in the tub. Once it has been soaked, you add the shampoo to your hair. Use your hand to wash the toupee from top to bottom. Don’t rub your hair as it can cause knots. You just keep washing it from top to bottom.
– Turn the toupee inside out and clean the base. Then rinse the hairpiece with water until the shampoo is all gone. Importantly, be meticulous when cleansing the lace toupee to prevent it from tearing apart.
Depending on how thick the toupee is, you can do the second shampoo to ensure that your hair is completely clean.
Read more:
Add conditioners like a pro
The toupee hair replacement system is not your real hair, so you have to moisture it frequently to keep it shiny and in the best condition. Please use a high-quality conditioner to take care of your hair.

After washing your toupee, add conditioner to both sides of the hair, don’t add to the root of the wiglet. Use a comb and gently brush the conditioner on the wiglet. Once you have done this, leave it some minutes. Then rinse the conditioner out with clean water. Use a dry towel to pat the excessive water.
– Never twist the hair as it can cause tangle or break.
Air dry hair
Allow the hairpiece air dry on a stand or a mannequin head. Remember to place it out of the direct sunlight.
– Remember not to brush your hair when it is still wet.
If you are in a hurry, use a hairdryer to dry your hair toupee. Be sure to use your tool on a low or medium setting and hold distance it away in order to not damage your unit.
Avoid using extreme heating tools
In common, if you use excessive heat to style your hairpiece, all cuticles are dry out quickly and your hair will be damaged as well. Make sure that the hair toupee stays far away from hot temperatures and heating tools.

Hairdryers, straighteners or curling machines are styling tools that cause damaged hair if you use it regularly. Hairstylists said that the heat radiates drying your hair. Although your hairpiece is made with real human hair, you must take care of it more often to keep it moisturized. Hair heating tools make hair prone to split ends if overused.
In addition, experts recommend using hair protection sprays before styling your toupee. It helps limit the harmful effects of these tools on your own hair and the unit.
Or you can go to a toupee hair salon and ask for help. The professional hairstylist will help you have the hairstyle as you desired without damaging the wiglet.

Sleep with a toupee
It’s better if you remove your wiglet before going to sleep. Or cover your hair with a scarf if you sleeping with the unit. It can keep your hair from tangling. You can also use a satin pillowcase when sleeping, it is good for your hairpiece.
All In All
Learn how to care for your toupee hair replacement system never waste your time. Hairsystem hopes that these hair care tips we show above will be useful and give you the best result. Additionally, please visit your trusted hair salon each month for checking and caring for your hairpiece.
If you want to have a nice hairpiece in every wear, giving it good hair care is very vital. We think it is the best way to help your hair look more natural and beautiful.
Browse our website to get more information about human hair replacement systems and hair care tips. hairsystem always welcome and are ready to answer all of your questions about hair.
For any special inquiries, contact us directly via our hotline (+84) 979 160 986 (WhatsApp/Mobile) or email: Don’t hesitate to find us at any time.